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The development of ribbon

Date:2019/3/15 11:50:03 Number of visits:

  The development of China's ribbon industry has gone through three periods: weaving, knitting and weaving. Its development has brought many changes and more colorful experiences to people's life.

The development of ribbon

  Part I: weaving

  At first, the ribbon was made on a loom, using a process known as warp and weft interweaving, in which the twisted yarn is arranged into a bobbin and the weft yarn is twisted into a pirn to weave the ribbon on the loom. This method of compilation was most popular in the 1930s, and was improved in the 1960s. This is the original ribbon weave. After scientific and technological innovation, dyeing technology and other rapid development, and ribbon patterns, manufacturing efficiency has also been greatly improved.

  Part two: knitting

  In the 1970s, knitting warp knitting and weft knitting technology were also widely used in the ribbon industry. In 1973, the trial production of knitted nylon wide tight belt was successful, and then the introduction of Italian crochet machine and so on, which brought a greater development space for knitting technology.

  Part three: knitting

  Weaving is also called ingot weaving. It is to insert the yarn into the fixed tooth base of the weaving machine after the yarn is wound into the warp drum and weft winding to form the weft tube. The weft tube rotates and moves along the figure 8 track to pull the yarn to cross weave each other. From the beginning of the simple process to 60 years of innovative development, and then developed to the present, the quality of ribbon, production efficiency, diversification and development is accelerating.